Bonsai tree's advantages and disadvantages:

Bonsai Tree's advantages and Disadvantages
Bonsai Tree's advantages and Disadvantages

Bonsai trees have the following benefits:

1. Bonsai trees look small attractive. By applying it you can enhance the beauty of your home.

2. People who are short of space can also grow greenery in their home by planting bonsai trees.

3. Other tree plants require more water and more care, but Bonsai trees are small, so their maintenance costs little time. Irrigation of this plant takes very little water.

4. Nowadays Bonsai tree has emerged as a good employment. You too can start a business of nursery of Bonsai trees and increase your income.

5. Elderly people can cut their time easily by planting and maintaining Bonsai tree.

6. By planting bonsai trees at home, children and future generations can be easily told about the importance of tree plants.

Bonsai trees have the following disadvantages:

Bonsai trees disadvantages

                 Bonsai trees disadvantages

1. Bonsai trees with negative energy should not be planted in the house. The plant of hawthorn is considered to be a negative energy plant.

2. Some people believe that the way the growth of Bonsai trees stops, they stop the growth of the house / office in which they are.

3. Dried withers and broken bonsai plants produce negative energy.

4. Thorny bonsai plants should not be planted in the house. They can harm by pricking hands. Can also harm children.