How To Make Bonsai

How To Make Bonsai:

How To Make Bonsai
How To Make Bonsai

The art of making Bonsai plant is thousands of years old. Nowadays people have started planting Bonsai plants in their homes for beauty. Bonsai trees are in great demand in the market.
Their price can be from 1 to 5 thousand rupees. The older the trees are, the more expensive they get. The price of seeds of bonsai trees starts from Rs 100.

How are bonsai trees made? :-

How to grow or make bonsai plants from seed?
How To Make Bonsai from seed
How To Make Bonsai from seed
1. Let us know what is the method of making Bonsai plant from seed. Many people bring bonsai seeds from the market. For this, follow the following steps-
Choose a pot with enough space.

2. Fill it with compost and soil.

3. Buy good quality Bonsai seeds from the market.

4. Plant the seed in the soil. The soil layer should be 2 cm above the seed.

 5. When the seeds begin to sprout and become plants, then plant them in a clay pot as per your choice. If you had left the seeds in the pot to naturally sprout, you should allow those sprouted plants to remain in the pot in which they were germinating. If not, then you remove those healthy sprouts from the fridge and transfer them to the clay pot or the seed tray. Put the sprouted plant in such a way that the sprout leaves are on the top and the root is on the bottom. Add water immediately to the seeds. At all times, make sure that the soil around the seed is always moist but does not become excessively watery, which creates sludge, which threatens rotting of plants.

Do not apply manure for the first 5 or 6 weeks until the plant is properly established in its new pot. Start using very small amounts of fertilizer, otherwise excessive exposure of the chemical present in the fertilizer can cause the risk of burning of the soft roots of the plants.

6. Keep the plants in a place with favourable temperature. At the time of growing the plants, it is necessary to protect the plants from extreme cold, otherwise there is a danger of the plants dying due to cold. If you live in a warm climate, you should carefully keep the plants outside in the shade, where sunlight and strong wind will protect you, provided that the breed of your chosen tree naturally survives in the geographic area there. Are able or not. If you are planting tropical trees or in non-weather plants, keep the plants inside or in a green house where there is some heat.

7. Regardless of where you keep the plants, make sure that you do not overflow the plants, but make sure to give them water often. Keep the soil moist but do not let the mud.

  8.When your tree is permanently established, then you can keep it outside to get morning sun and afternoon shade, but keep in mind that the breed of your tree is naturally situated in your geographical area. Be able to

9. Keep giving water from time to time. Bonsai tree will be ready.


• Keeping the roots cut from time to time makes it easier for them to live in that small environment.

• Please choose simple style trees such as upgrowth, informal and cascade.

• Place your tree in a large pot or pot before allowing it to grow for a year or two so that its trunk widens.

• Allow your tree to grow until the next season before pruning or pruning.

• Lay the surface of the pebbles in the pots inside so that there is no mud.

What is the method of making Bonsai tree from ordinary plants?

How To Make Bonsai
How To Make Bonsai
1. Lightly prick the root of the plant you want to make Bonsai tree and clean the soil. Cut branches as needed.

2. Now keep this plant in pot. This pot should have 2 to 3 inch thick layer of soil. Plant this plant on it. Then fill the soil from all sides.

3. Keep in mind that the flowerpot should be enlarged so that you do not have to change the flowerpot for 2 years.

4. Keep watering the plant periodically.

5. By tying the branches of the plant with wire, you can give it the desired shape.

6. Weights can also be tied to lower the branches of the plant.

Major Bonsai plants / trees as per Indian climate
Mango, Guava, Pomegranate, Musmi, Palash, Rubber, Silver Oak, Peepal, Fig, Chiku, Christmas Tree, Vilayi Tamarind, Mulberry, Hill Rose, King of the Day, Parijat, Suru, Litchi, Amla, Lemon, Amalatas, Banyan , Orange, sycamore, gulmohar, neem, boganvellia, pear, jasmine, cedar, fur, pear, birch, semal.

Special things about Bonsai trees Tips for Bonsai plant:

Let us know some main things about Bonsai plants :-

1. Bonsai tree should always be planted according to the climate. The plants that suit your climate should be planted only such as mango, pomegranate, guava, peepal etc.

2. Adequate manure should be applied to soil for bonsai trees.

3. Bonsai trees should be kept in the sun or kept in a place where there is sunlight.

4. Bonsai trees should be pruned periodically.

5. After some years the soil of Bonsai trees should be changed.

6. Some people believe that from the point of view of Vastushastra, Bonsai plants should not be planted indoors. It can be rolled out.

7. Light irrigation should be done in Bonsai trees. Avoid filling with too much water. It would be better to pour water from the fountain.

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